covid-19 & eating disorders

According to Rodgers et al. 2020, COVID-19 is likely to increase eating disorder (ED) risk and symptoms and decrease factors that protect against EDs. This may occur in 3 ways:

 1. “The disruptions to daily routines and constraints to outdoor activities may increase weight and shape concerns, and negatively impact eating, exercise, and sleeping patterns, which may in turn increase ED risk and symptoms. Relatedly, the pandemic and accompanying social restrictions may deprive individuals of social support and adaptive coping strategies, thereby potentially removing protective factors.

 2. Increased exposure to ED-specific or anxiety-provoking media may increase ED risk and symptoms.

 3. Fears of contagion may increase ED symptoms specifically related to health concerns, or by restrictive diets focused on increasing immunity. In addition, elevated rates of stress due to the pandemic and social isolation may also contribute to increasing risk.

 Evaluating and assessing these factors are key to better understanding the impact of the pandemic on ED risk and recovery and to inform resource dissemination and targets."

Have any of you experienced any of this personally or noticed it in your family?



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